Release Date Announced - 3/15/2021

It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally time to announce a release date for Vigilante Weekend!


Vigilante Weekend will be released on Itch.IO first (link will be made available soon), then Steam on a later date. The game has been coming along despite some roadblocks along the way, but the important thing is that it will be finally released! Hope everyone enjoys it!

Vigilante Weekend - New Game Announcement

Welcome, everyone!

I am happy to announce a new video game that is to be released: Vigilante Weekend.

Work on this project began in early 2018, but the reality is that it has been an idea in my head since 2016. And the desire to even make a video game started long before then. Either way, I’m excited to have something to show for the idea, and I’m even more excited for what’s up ahead.

The important thing is that this project, now an alpha-version of a video game, has too much work done to not finish it and release.

The plan is to release in Q4 of 2019, but like anything this involved, that is subject to change and only an estimation.

Here’s to a successful release!
